Thursday, April 23, 2009


Originally posted August 26th, 2008

This morning, Daniel and I were headed to his school. As we drove over Coldwater Creek, I slowed down for him to look at the creek overflowing its banks (for you locals, it was touching the bottom of the "little bridge", and was into the parking lot on both sides.). He asked if, when it stops raining "day after tomorrow", we could come swimming. I answered, "No-ah." (You'll have to say it out loud to get the full effect...go ahead, look around to see if anyone is nearby, I'll wait...............coast clear? Okay, say it with me, "No-ah." stress on the Ah. Got it? Good.) Naturally, his answer was, "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-ah?" to which I gave my most motherly reply, "Becuz-ah." So, startin' his whineeeeeee, he said, "Can we, Mommmmm???" Not one to back down easily and give in (yah,right), I repeated, "Noooo-ah."

Apparently, my meandering mind is a genetic thing because my spawn, er, son, then said, "Hey. NOAH! I know who that is!! But...who's Becuz-ah?" Thinkin' on my feet, er, seat, I replied, "Um...Noah's wife??"

He pondered that a minute and giggled and said, "Really?" Then I told him that Noah's wife's name isn't mentioned in the Bible, which must have really been hard on the preacher that married them - "Do you Noah, take, er, um, er,'s-her-name here to be your lawfully wedded wife?" and "Do you, er, um, er, ohhhhh...Whoever-you-are take Noah to be your lawfully wedded husband?" (Parental Distraction Tactic successful: Mission Accomplished!) And he laughed & forgot all about swimming in the creek.

So, I dropped him off at school, and headed home, recalled our "conversation", and my MM took over & I thought to myself, "Self....wonder what one's gotta do to NOT get her name written down in the Bible when her husband is pretty doggone famous?" Self didn't have an answer, and neither do I. It IS a curious question, though, don't you think? I did, however, tickle myself with the thought, "Hmm...wonder if after this election is over, if BO doesn't win -will his wife go down in the history books as Mama Obama?" I giggled quietly to myself all the way home.
Love to all!

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