Monday, June 8, 2009

Questions for Heaven

One day a while back, I had been listening to a Chris Rice CD, and there’s a song called "Questions for Heaven". And I started thinkin’ (I’m prone to do that from time to time...smell the wood burnin’?)...if I could make a list of questions for Heaven - what would they be? I remember pondering that most of the day one day, and then I sat down to write them down (so I won’t forget when I get there, donchaknow...cuz I reckon I’m gonna take that paper with me...).
So, here’s a few of my questions for heaven - what would YOUR questions be?

As You walked upon this earth, man-God, did You ever lay back on the ground and watch the clouds pass by?

Did You ever watch the stars at night & remember when You created them and how they sang to You? Did they sing again?

Were animals drawn to You while You were here?

Did You ever watch an approaching storm and know the storehouse from whence the lightning came?

What was the first thing You ever built as a carpenter? Did the Creator in You feel frustration at Your human limitations?

As a Child, did You ever catch snow on Your tongue? Rain? Did it snow there?

Did You ever stand on the shore of the ocean, or the edge of the Sea of Galilee, and remember when You drew a line in the sand and declared, "This far your proud waves may come and no further." Did You ever replay that with Your human finger? Was it unsatisfying?

Did You ever look at an ocean and remember holding its waters in Your Hand?

Did You ever look at someone and think to Yourself, "She has six million, four hundred two thousand eight hundred and three hairs on her head." Did you giggle because no one knew what You were thinking?

Did You ever see a crucifixion and look upon it with knowing Eyes? Were You afraid? Did You moan, dreading Your own?

Did You ever stare into a fire and weep in desperate longing for those souls who would reject You - knowing they were going to suffer hell?

As You grew into a man, did You ever smile in delight ~ enjoying being Your own Creation?

Did You take flowers to Your mother?

As a Baby, when Your cries broke the silence of the night, were You weeping for lost humanity ~ for Your Father ~ for Home?

Did You look upon the sands of the seashore and see faces ~ remembering Your Promise to Abraham?

Did You play with John as a Child? What did You play ~ or talk about?

Do You smile as I write my questions, laughing at how simple it all will seem then, even as I sit with reeling mind ~ and emotions?

What was Your favorite food here? Your favorite flower? Song? Dance? Scent?

Did You ever watch the sunrise or sunset and know that Your Daddy painted it especially for You?

Do You get tired of questions?

And at the end of my list, I wrote: It occurred to me - there is a difference between being a believer in God and a follower of God. I will be a follower of God.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful. I'm sure He never tires of questions as awesome as these.
