Monday, March 30, 2009

Ode to Spring

This blog was originally posted on my MySpace blog last year on March 31st. Apparently, cool weather after a bit of warm weather is par for the course in late March in Alabama.

Where did spring go???
I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of cool weather! It was warming up nicely last week - I thoroughly enjoyed having my windows open even whilst my sinuses closed up....and then yesterday dawned cooollll...and today is cold and rainy. What is the deal?? I know it’s not blackberry winter because it wasn’t warm long enough yet. I think spring is being fickle this year. Of course, I am thankful for the rain....but it could rain while it remained warm outside, don’t you think??

So, in lament of the temporary loss of spring, I’m gonna post my Ode to Spring that I wrote a few years ago. I was sitting in the parking lot of the school waiting on my young’uns, and it was a gaw-jus day. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, the clouds were fluffy & white, and I was watching a stand of pine trees across from the school as they swayed in the breeze. I remember thinking that they were enjoying the spring weather as well, and how much it looked like they were reaching their branches toward Heaven. And so I got out a piece of paper, and this is what resulted - my Ode to Spring:

The pine trees reach toward the sky
seeming to beckon as the clouds pass by.
The maples and oaks wave their leaves
stretching toward Heaven applauding His Deeds.
All of creation sings a song of praise
A constant hum to the Ancient of Days.
A grasshopper’s chirp, a joyful bird tune
whisper a hopeful, "Creator, come soon."
The orbiting moon worships from the expanse
the Master Composer of the Galaxy’s dance.
Uncountable stars - a glimpse of His Glory
Sing through the night of the Savior’s Love Story.
Whispering wind, so much like His Voice
rushes over the earth causing LIFE to rejoice!
-2003, Toni Leverett

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